Pittcon 2021 presentations from SepSolve Analytical
24 February 2021

Pitched as the world’s leading conference and exposition on analytical chemistry and scientific instrumentation, Pittcon has been a mainstay of the scientific world since its inception 62 years ago. In response to Covid-19, this year it is taking place virtually, from 08 to 12 March.
SepSolve will be presenting the following oral presentations and posters showcasing recent developments in chemometrics, GCxGC and GC–MS:
Oral presentations from SepSolve at Pittcon 2021
- Improved profiling of cannabis terpenes for accurate product labelling
Abstract no. L30-05
Wed 10 March (15:05 – 15:25)
- Genuine or fake? Innovative data mining to streamline food authenticity workflows
Abstract no. L15-05
Tue 09 March (10:05 - 10:25)
Poster presentations from SepSolve at Pittcon 2021
- Novel strategies for biomarker discovery using untargeted GC-MS and chemometrics
Abstract no. P035
- Recent advances in chemical fingerprinting of crude oil and petroleum products
Abstract no. P163
- Improved chemical fingerprinting of particulate matter (PM2.5) in air for reliable source attribution
Abstract no. P008
- Comprehensive screening of volatile emissions from plastics
Abstract no. P170