Flavours & Fragrances
Reliable analysis of foods and beverages is vital for quality control, R&D, authenticity studies, and assessment of food safety. Our ‘Flavours & fragrances’ product package provides fast and comprehensive aroma-profiling without compromising on system flexibility.
The Challenge
- Samples contain many chemical classes across wide concentration ranges.
- A range of sample matrices are involved, including liquids, solids and semi-solids.
- Odour thresholds may differ by many orders of magnitude, meaning even trace components can have a major impact on aroma.
Trace-level odorous sulfur compounds are readily located in complex profiles by using two detection techniques running in parallel on the same GCxGC analysis. Such versatility is just one of the benefits of our ‘Flavours & fragrances’ product package.
The Solution
- The Centri® platform delivers automated sample extraction and enrichment, allowing highly sensitive analysis of various sample types.
- INSIGHT® GCxGC flow modulation provides enhanced separation with repeatable results across lengthy clinical trials, even for the most volatile species.
- BenchTOF2™ mass spectrometers provide the sensitivity, selectivity and spectral quality needed for confident identification of targets and unknowns in a single run, as well as extended dynamic range to quantify high-loaders while maintaining sensitivity for trace-level compounds.
- Tandem Ionisation® for BenchTOF™ simultaneously acquires both ‘soft EI’ and regular 70 eV mass spectra, for additional confidence in identification, in a single streamlined workflow.
- ChromSpace® software provides fully-automated workflows for unattended operation, with full instrument control and data-mining, while the ChromCompare+™ module uses chemometrics to automate sample classification for quality control, R&D and authenticity studies.
The Benefits
- Cost-effective: Cryogen-free, solvent-free sampling of VOCs, SVOCs and thermally-labile species results in substantial cost savings.
- More information:Improved separation uncovers key marker compounds and delivers a comprehensive aroma profile.
- Confidence: Remove the guesswork associated with identification of isomers, through dual-library searching of 70 eV and soft EI spectra.
- Fast reporting: Smart software tools automatically spot the differences between complex aroma profiles.
- Adaptability: Flexible configurations allow parallel detection using different techniques, such as MS, FID and SCD.