

How to analyse odours in post-consumer recycled plastics

What are post-consumer recycled plastics and how to analyse odours in post-consumer recycled plastics? Read how to overcome low sensitivity, poor detection of compounds and slow processes when analysing recycled plastics for bad smells.


Biomarker Discovery

A combination of thermal desorption, flow-modulated GCxGC, and TOF MS with Tandem Ionisation® is the ultimate package for high-throughput monitoring of bodily volatiles, with sample security ensured across a range of matrix types.


Cannabis Profiling

Coupling flow-modulated GCxGC with Tandem Ionisation® TOF MS provides robust quantitation for cannabis components, while also offering unparalleled detail on the terpenes that impart distinctive aromas and flavours.


Flavours & Fragrances

A sample extraction and enrichment platform automates sampling from a variety of foods, beverages and fragranced goods. Performance for analytes of all classes is further enhanced by flow-modulated GC×GC and Tandem Ionisation® TOF MS, with a user-friendly software interface.


Odours & Emissions

Combining thermal desorption with flow-modulated GC×GC and TOF MS allows single-run analysis of targets and non-target emissions from materials, with all aspects of instrument operation and data-analysis handled by easy-to-use software.


Petrochemical Fingerprinting

For advanced petrochemical applications, flow-modulated GC×GC handled through a powerful software platform allows repeatable analysis and precise characterisation for even the most complex samples, while being compatible with TOF MS, FID or SCD detection.


Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH)

Flow-modulated GCxGC coupled with powerful data-analysis software allows single-run analysis of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in environmental matrices, without the need for solvent extraction.


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